
From Campaigns to Content: The Evolution of Hotel Marketing

Online hotel advertising

Many hoteliers find that their usual approach to advertising is becoming less effective. And if you’re feeling this way, let me tell you: You’re not crazy.

According to a 2012 study by comScore, average ad effectiveness increases with age. Seniors scored the highest, whereas Millennials scored the lowest. These results indicate that traditional ads are less and less effective with each new age demographic that comes along. Millennials are more difficult to persuade via television advertising when compared to older viewers. Given this downward trend, it’s a good bet that traditional marketing will be even less effective with the next generation that comes along after that.

Taking this trend a step further, traditional television advertising is not the only medium being affected. Even internet ads are suffering, as the use of adblocking extensions becomes more prevalent. 33% of Facebook users have some kind of adblocker, according to a GWI study. So, if you’re using traditional side bar CPC ads on Facebook, it means that as much as 33% of your audience isn’t even seeing your ad… read more

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